Thursday, March 4, 2010

hush, hush Book 12

Becca Fitzpatric debuts with Hush, Hush, a beautifully written, action packed teen paranormal romance. 

All in all, I have to say I enjoyed it.  It's definitely a page turner--but there's almost too much action.  Things just spiral out of control and while your questions get answered in due time there is so much going on that it would be better to pick a few sub-plots and fully explain them than jam pack everything.  All the same, it held my attention.

Norma Gray is a high school girl who due to a new seating arrangement finds herself biology partners with a new guy, Patch.  Patch is dark and mysterious and seems to be hiding something big--and well it is big.  He's a fallen angel.  Norma lingers between being afraid of Patch and being attracted to him.  Although, we feel the attraction almost immediately.  But Patch is not a nice guy! He's rude to her and seems to be stalking her.  Not to mention the way he flirts is often times inappropriate, and he has secrets that go far beyond merely being a fallen angel.  I didn't like the guy.  Norma's parter in crime/best friend helps her investigate Patch.  Norma and Vee, the best friend, spend a lot of time together so we get to see Vee way too often.  She's annoying.  I don't think she's a very good friend and I didn't really find her actions all that believable.

For a debut novel this would great.  As a debut piece I give it a four star rating, if it weren't a debut work I would give it a three star rating, because some of the characters really bothered me.  But more than that, there is a a brief statement about how people change and I guess that's the theme?  Because honestly at the end I found no theme, and no meaning.

1 comment:

  1. Great post much appreciate the time you took to write this
